An Ongoing Displacement - The Forced Exile of the Palestinians

[May 2013] 15 May, 2013, marked the 65th anniversary of the Nakba – when 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from the territory that became Israel. In 1948, more than 50% of the entire Palestinian population was ethnically cleansed. In commemoration of the Nakba, and the displacement that continues today, VP released ‘An Ongoing Displacement’. The graphic references the iconic ‘Disappearing Palestine’ image, adding a layer of detail that quantitatively catalogues the multiple dimensions of Palestinian displacement and loss of land.

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Quote Sources
Moshe Sharett, quoted in Benny Morris, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict 1881–1999 (Vintage 2001), pg. 144
David Ben-Gurion, ibid. pg. 144
Moshe Dayan, ibid. pg. 328
Golda Meir quoted in Avi Shlaim, The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World (WW Norton 2001), pg. 311
Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel MFA, 2009, ‘Address in Memory of Theodore Herzl.’ (accessed on 14 May 2013)
Ilan Pappe, Hart of the Matter, 2010. TV interview with journalist Alan Hart (accessed on 14 May 2013)

Maps Adapted from
Malkit Shoshan, Atlas of the Conflict: Israel-Palestine (010 Publishers 2010)
B'Tselem, 2012. Map of the West Bank, Settlements and the Separation Barrier (accessed on 14 May 2013)

Population Data Compiles from
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2013 (accessed on 14 May 2013)
Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, 2013 (accessed on 14 May 2013)
Badil, 2009. Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (PDF)
Haaretz, 2012. ‘Israel admits it revoked residency rights of a quarter million Palestinians’. (accessed on 8 May 2013)
Levy Institute, 2012. The 1967 Census of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (accessed on 8 May 2013)
Jewish Virtual Library, 2006. Demography of Palestine & Israel (accessed on 8 May 2013)
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, 2011. Palestine (accessed on 8 May 2013)


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