Intent-The Road to Genocide

The crime of genocide requires both intent to destroy a group in whole or in part and one or more acts of genocide. Israeli leaders have made and continue to make clear statements of their intent to commit genocide against Palestinians. Intent: the Road to Genocide, our latest interactive visualization in partnership with Law for Palestine, documents the relationship between these statements and the conduct of the Israeli military in Gaza through four thematic chapters: civilian harm, starvation, destruction of infrastructure, and forced displacement.

The crime of genocide requires both intent to destroy a group in whole or in part and one or more acts of genocide. Israeli leaders have made and continue to make clear statements of their intent to commit genocide against Palestinians. Intent: the Road to Genocide, our latest interactive visualization in partnership with Law for Palestine, documents the relationship between these statements and the conduct of the Israeli military in Gaza through four thematic chapters: civilian harm, starvation, destruction of infrastructure, and forced displacement.

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